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Dual Energy X-ray Absorpiometry

What is a DEXA Scan?

Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) is a high-quality diagnostic tool that measures bone mineral density. This bone density test is commonly used to diagnose osteoporosis – a condition characterised by weak and brittle bones – and to assess the risk of developing osteogenesis imperfecta.

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Our DEXA Scan Process

The DEXA scan is a simple, non-invasive procedure which takes no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

Prior to the DEXA bone scan, you will be asked a series of questions to help your consultant assess if you have any medical conditions, or are taking any medications that can impact your risk of fractures. The DEXA scan uses a tiny amount of ionising radiation to create images of your lower spine and hips, which are areas most commonly used to measure bone loss. DEXA is considered the current gold standard for determining bone mineral density (BMD).

Our price for a DEXA scan is £225.

Need More Information?

If you have any questions regarding our DEXA scan service, we are here to help!

DEXA, or ‘dual energy X-ray absorpiometry’, is an examination where you lie on a special bed while the arm of a scanner passes over you to measure your bone mineral density.

This examination will be conducted by a Radiographer and a chaperone will be present.

The measurements are then compared with people of a similar age and weight, and of the same sex and ethnic background.

Once the results of your examination are passed to your doctor, they will determine if you have osteoporosis and if you are at risk of brittle bones.

We expect the scan to take up to 20 minutes.

What preparation is required for my scan?
What Happens During My Appointment?
What will happen after the scan?
Are there any risks involved?
Can I Bring A Friend Or Relative?

Speak With Us

For more information about our services and how we can help you, or to book a private GP appointment, get in touch with our team.

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