Lung Function Test
Full lung function test
Here at Friends Medical Service, we can perform a range of lung function tests that can detect the presence or absence of airway/lung disease. Our GP can offer treatment and management plans or recommend further referral onwards to private respiratory consultants or regular NHS referrals depending on the outcome of your tests.
They involve blowing into special equipment to measure various aspects of your lung function
Your clinician may request this test to check:
✔ If you have lung capacity problems.
✔ To diagnose lung disease (e.g. asthma, COPD (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary fibrosis.
✔ Measure the severity of lung disease.
✔ Inflammation in your airways.
✔ To see if medication will improve your breathing.
✔ To test your lung function before a medical procedure.
Lung function tests are done for many different reasons. You may need testing if you:
✔ Have signs and symptoms of a breathing problem such as:
✔ Shortness of breath.
✔ Wheezing.
✔ Coughing.
✔ A tight feeling in your chest or trouble breathing deeply.
✔ An abnormal chest x-ray.
✔ Have a lung or another type of condition that could damage your lungs.
✔ Have been exposed to substances that can cause lung damage, such as asbestos, radiation, or certain medicines.
Your clinician may also order a lung function test for your routine exam.
✔ Are you struggling with shortness of breath that has developed over a number or weeks or longer that stops you from doing things you want to do?
✔ Are you bothered by a troublesome cough or wheeze?
✔ Are you prone to repeat chest infections?
✔ Do you have a tight feeling in your chest or trouble breathing deeply?
✔ Have you had abnormal chest x-ray?
✔ Are you on a long waiting list to have lung function testing?
✔ Are you a smoker and worried about lung damage?
✔ Have you been prescribed inhalers with no diagnosis?
✔ Are you worried you might have asthma?
✔ Do you have a lung condition or another type of condition that could damage your lungs?
✔ Have you been exposed to substances that can cause lung damage, such as asbestos, radiation, or certain medicines?
If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then you may benefit from a diagnostic lung function test. Your clinician may also order a lung function test as part of your routine exam.
✔ To detect the presence/absence of airway/ lung disease.
✔ If you’ve been having problems with shortness of breath.
✔ If you have symptoms like a troublesome cough, chest tightness, or wheezing.
✔ If you are prone to repeat chest infections and your doctor feels you’ve at an increased risk of developing a particular lung condition.
✔ To assess the progress of your existing breathing condition by comparing these tests with previous results.
✔ To see how your breathing condition improves with different treatments.
Tests we Perform.
✔ Spirometry and Flow Volume Loops
✔ These tests measure how well air flows through the airways and can detect if there is any narrowing or obstruction in the airways. It can also measure lung capacities that can suggest if there are any issues with the volume of air that you can take into your lungs. Spirometry and flow volume loops are used to diagnose airflow obstruction associated with COPD and Asthma.
✔ DLCO (Carbon Monoxide Transfer Factor)
The primary job of our lungs is to transfer oxygen from the air sacs at the end of the airways to the bloodstream to be taken around the body to where it is needed. This test measures how efficient your lungs are at transferring oxygen over the lung tissue and into the bloodstream. A small harmless amount of carbon monoxide is used to measure as carbon monoxide takes the same path as oxygen through the lungs. DLCO is used to diagnose gas exchange abnormalities in the lungs which may be a cause of breathlessness.
✔ Bronchodilator Reversibility Tests This test is used to assess how well your lungs respond to inhaled therapy that is designed to open the airways and relieve symptoms of breathlessness ( bronchodilator). It requires performing spirometry then inhaling some bronchodilator from an inhaler and then repeating spirometry and assessing the response. This test is used to diagnose Asthma and COPD.
✔ FeNO (Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide) FeNO is a simple and non-invasive way to assess for airway inflammation. Nitric Oxide is a biomarker found in the breath that can be raised with airway inflammation. This test is used in the diagnosis of Asthma by measuring the levels of Nitric Oxide in exhaled breath.
✔ What happens during your appointment…
✔ The tests are safe, non-invasive, and painless to perform. Your appointment will usually take 40- 75 minutes depending on what tests you are having.
✔ The physiologist will take a brief history and will ask you some safety questions prior to testing. They will also measure your blood pressure and blood oxygen levels before testing.
✔ The physiologist will ask you to breathe into a machine through a mouthpiece and perform some breathing maneuvers. A nose clip will be used to seal your nose and ensure all air is being recorded. Depending on the testing required you may be asked to blow out forcefully or steadily, breathe in fully, and hold your breath or inhale some bronchodilator medication.
✔ Performing the tests requires an element of cooperation with the physiologist who will guide you through the process every step of the way to ensure you feel at ease. The physiologist will give you plenty of time to ensure you feel comfortable while testing.
